Join Scout Troop 577 Wichita KS

Troop 577 is a boy-run high adventure troop located in Wichita, KS. We focus on providing our scouts everything they need to succeed in both scouting and their lives ahead. We try to travel all over the US bringing exciting experiences with camp-outs and activities every month!

Troop 577 Boy Scouts of America provides youth with programs and activities that allow them to

  • Try new things.
  • Provide service to others.
  • Build self-confidence.
  • Reinforce ethical standards.

About Troop 577

Troop 577 meets every Monday from 7:00pm to 8:15pm. We participate in outdoor activities year-round. Scouts participate in monthly camping weekends 9 months per year. We also go on Spring Break Trips and Plan for a High-Adventure Summer Camp. During the winter the scouts have the opportunity to join many scouts from across the region for the annual Trapper’s Rendezvous.

Why Join Our Scout Troop

Serving Others

Young people need to serve. The level of community service is a good indication of the health of any society. Scouting has, from its inception, been deeply rooted in the concept of doing for others. “Do a Good Turn Daily” is a core Scouting precept.

Healthy Living

Young people need to be well. To get the most from life, one must be both mentally and physically fit. A commitment to physical wellness has been reflected in Scouting’s outdoor programs such as hiking, camping, swimming, climbing, and conservation. First aid, lifesaving, and safety programs are synonymous with Scouting.

Building Character

Young people need to know to be good and to do good. Few will argue with the importance of teaching values and responsibility to our children – not only right from wrong, but specific, affirmative values such as fairness, courage, honor, and respect for others.

Lifelong Learning

People need to learn all through their lives. We live in a society that rewards continual acquisition of skills and knowledge. Scouting provides structured settings where young people can learn new skills and develop habits of continual learning that will help them succeed.

Join or Come Visit with Your Local Wichita 577 Scout Troop!

We invite you to come visit us at one of our meetings.